About Us
To ensure a standard of excellence in the profession of estate planning and to promote the team approach for estate planning professionals in law, accounting, insurance, financial planning, business valuation and trust management through:
(1)belief in and adherence to the highest standards of ethics
(2)demonstrated professional competence
(3)commitment to continued development of knowledge and expertise
(4)responsibility to clients and to the art/science of the estate planning process
To the Community:
(1)affiliation with NAEPC and active participation and identification of the keystone Accredited Estate Planner designation
(2)expanding public awareness of the estate planning profession as a team endeavor with checks and balances
To Business:
(1)provide a forum for dedicated business leaders and professionals to gather and network for the estate planning process
To Members:
(1)encourages members to attend meetings that present continuing education topics focused on their own discipline, and those that affect other estate planning team members
(2)opportunity to network with other professionals in the estate planning field
(3)educational programs and panels to promote the team approach in the estate planning process
Sponsorship: Sponsorship includes organization name on all meeting notices, sponsors listed on website and in printed directory, promotional brochures at tables for sponsor meeting, a very brief (one minute) introduction to their organization at the beginning of the sponsor meeting. Cost: $500